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Why Running Should Be Your New Year Resolution

Looking for a great new year resolution that will boost your confidence, increase your energy and help you stay motivated?

While having a goal of being healthier this year is a good start, the “eat healthy and work out more” new year resolution is often a little too vague and overwhelming to accomplish -- or too difficult to achieve without making a drastic change in your daily routine.

So instead of trying to tackle a good diet and every fitness class out there this year, consider taking one of the best first steps to a healthy lifestyle: running.

Running: The Perfect New Year Resolution

One of the best things about running is that you can start small and build up your routine over time, without overtaxing your body. According to Runner’s World, even adding four or five 15- to 20-minute runs or walks into your weekly schedule can make a huge difference in your overall health and happiness.

If you are just starting out, try scheduling a few walks at first, and work on adding longer (or faster) jogs or runs each week in increments. Set a goal each week and make sure you stick to it, even if that means thinking of your runs as mini doctor’s appointments -- something you can’t simply skip out on.

Daily Runs Are Heart Healthy

We all know cardio is essential to a strong fitness routine, but running in particular is extremely beneficial to keeping your heart in good health. People who run regularly are half as likely to die from heart disease as those who never run at all.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

When we add running to our daily or weekly schedules, we can quickly see the impact it has on our mental well-being. The chemicals produced by the act of running help to grow positive thoughts, decrease stress and be more focused.

Adding a Goal to Your Running Resolution: The 5K

Want to make sure you are going to stick with your new year resolution for more than a week or two? Set a big goal like running in a 5K!

Whether you have struggled to stay motivated with fitness in the past or you need a little extra help this year, consider running in a local 5K, such as the Halo 5K! Not only will there be chip timing to help you track your record, but there will also be awards and prizes -- all part of an event that supports a local nonprofit.

The Halo 5K is an annual event created by Angels Unaware and the HALO Foundation, which provide support for the developmentally disabled. Come show your support and join a great cause by participating in this year’s 5K on March 11, 2017!

Register for the event here or explore our website to learn more about the organization.

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